Thursday, October 24, 2013


That Time of Year

It’s cold; it’s that time of year
When the leaves are falling
Rust, orange, yellow and red are the leaves
The smells, the sights and sounds are changing
The children are dressed up in a scary costume
This can mean only one thing, it’s Halloween

After it’s over kids look forward to the next Halloween
It’s their favorite time of year
They hunt and search for the best costume
Parents make sure they are safe to avoid falling
Every year there is a new favorite it’s always changing
They also run and jump and play in the leaves

Because there is a endless supply of leaves
Not all countries celebrate Halloween
Maybe that’s changing
We will plan for next year
And wait for the leaves to begin falling
It will be the best one next year, my costume

Will we be too old for a costume?
Maybe we will just be raking leaves
Because they are always falling
That’s a sign it’s Halloween
We look forward to it year after year
I like it that things are changing

It would be so boring without things changing
That’s why every year we get a new costume
But we may be too old next year
It will always be nice to watch leaves
Changing before Halloween
Falling, falling, falling

So many, many leaves falling
It’s autumn and so much is changing
And a big part of autumn is Halloween
Children in a ghost and goblin costume
They can also built forts with leaves
These are the choices for each year

When the leaves are falling it’s time to think about a costume
Because of the changing leaves, it’s telling you something
Its Halloween our favorite time of the year


  1. This made me think of my memories of being a kid at Halloween time and going trick or treating!!

  2. I agree with Forrest, reminds me of so many fun memories!!!!

  3. I think every kid likes to play in the leavers in fall. My son just had his first leaf experience, so it must be programmed into them or something, they see a pile of leaves and they must jump and play in them, its just too tempting. Great poem, it definitely brought back warm memories, I like that. Great job Jana.

  4. There's a particular depth here, especially with the repeated idea that, sooner or later, one will be too big for a costume. I recall that time coming to soon for me, as I was a bigger kid (5' 10" in 5th grade), so I was considered too old to trick or treat, long before some of my smaller classmates.
