When I am 30/40/50/60 (choose one), I will...... since I have already passed 30,40,50, I will...... have my degree by (before) 60.
When I want to, I have the ability to do complete something I started
I am proud of my kids, more than anything.
My pet peeve is when people complain constantly about their life and don't appreciate what an amazing world we have.
I appreciate it when teachers love what they do, and it shows, and acknowledge us non traditional students.
I am named for my moms dear friend, what a kind women she is.
I regret very little but, I do regret not living on my own and learning about myself first.
A friend once showed me how to snow board, scary but exhilarating.
My favorite color is green.
My favorite place on earth is outdoors.
If I had one hundred dollars, I would buy what every I wanted.
I like Pearl Jam's music, particularly these songs: Wish List, Breathe, Given to Fly, ( Going to their concert in Spokane, in November YES!!)
The bravest thing I ever did was snowboard down a double black diamond hill.
The nicest thing anyone ever did for me was, when my daughter was scheduled for one of her many surgeries, my husband found an anonymous envelope with a card and 500 dollars to help us out with expenses. There are many other nice things people have done, too many to name.
It is difficult to learn calculus.
One thing I've always wondered about is how to play music.
I am an expert on my kids.
People like me because, I am an excellent listener.
What is a mistake that taught you a lesson? What did you learn? That procrastinating cost me a lot of money.

Awwwww. Thanks for the photos. Congrats on the Pearl Jam tickets. I tried, but they were sold out.Try not to rub it in too hard when you return to class after their November concert ;)