Thursday, November 21, 2013

Blog # 18

Christian the Lion


High up on the planes of Kenya in Africa

Rocks and sand a setting for a reunion

Stood two men waiting in the heat of the day

Air heavy with anticipation

With curiosity he slowly approaches

The men anxious for some sign

The distance between them begins to close

The lions stride quickens in recognition

It’s as if the lion has found his prey

The men stood still

The embrace is like no other. Like no time has passed.

A Love between beast and human

Once again together

The lion holds on to each, like a dance with two partners

Each wanting to hold on forever to this brief moment it time

Caressing each one in turn

Tawny brown and golden eyes

A lion’s mane but not quite full

Human, it doesn’t matter to this sentient being

A lion’s life set right by these two men forever

entwined but separate

A journey unknown in it’s beginning but

Touching all lives

1 comment:

  1. You've captured that reunion perfectly. I found it interesting that the one man actually had a lion's mane of his own :) I'd like to see some work on the potential for danger...or what I imagine must have been at least a little fear somewhere within the men.
